Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Puppy Photo shoot

Well, its been a busy week! Last weekend some good friends came for the day to work dogs, and play with the pups. We had a great time working our dogs, my sheep got a good workout, and we figured out some portions of the Farm Trial we hope to have here next summer. Then we went inside and had lunch and the puppies got to come upstairs and have their pictures taken. Thanks to Cathy Bishop for the great photos!! I had fully intended to have the pictures all upload Sunday night, but its hard to upload pics behind closed eyelids...somehow a full day out in the fresh air took a toll on me :) Then on Monday, Larry and I went to the Flu Clinic in town and got H1N1 flu shots.......monday night seemed to bring more of those closed eyelids :( So finally here we are!

The pups are growing leaps and bounds ( there was some mention of little tanks ) they have a new puppy feeding pan, and they're making good use of it! The whelping box has been put up......the little mountain climbers could scale the sides with ease, so they are now sleeping in a big crate with a nice thick comforter in it. They probably won't think its too cool the day I put the door on the crate, but that lesson is a ways down the road yet :)

Enjoy Cathy's photography!



  1. Do you have a date in mind for the future trial? Just wondering so I can mark my busy calender.

  2. OMG Joan - they are the cutest things ever!!!

