Part of what I really really love about living on this little piece of the planet here, is the awesome neighbors we have. We each have our own cow herds....ours is tiny at 40 head, compared to our neighbors 500+ , but no matter the size every animal is important to us all, and without each others help, it would be much more difficult to manage them. All the fall chores are nearly done, our neighbors herd has all been preg checked, and the last chore on the list for them was to move the heifers back north and join them with their main cow herd. We did that this morning, it was nippy out (about -15c) very thankful for insulated Carhartts! The sun came out tho making a rather pleasant ride.
Monday, the 22nd is weaning day for us, and with our neighbors help we'll wean, apply RFID tags, and load the steer calves and take them to town to the Auction Mart for tuesday's sale. We'll keep the heifer calves for a while, to decide on replacements, and then the balance of them will be sold.