Sunday, December 13, 2009

Dance little puppy Dance!

You know its TOO cold out when.........dancing to a CD on the computer with 8 puppies and their mom is what you decide to do to keep everyone occupied! With a George Strait CD on the 'puter, the puppies all crowded around me, thinking I had clearly lost my mind.....but then one by one they they went "cool......that looks like fun!" and joined in :o) Then their mom came to join us, which just made everything that much more fun and it became quite a good game :) The dogs are all feeling very cooped up these days as with temps in the mid minus 30's, it doesn't take long for paws to freeze up. The weatherman is promising better days ahead, maybe even ABOVE freezing by week's end. I sure hope he keeps his promise!!

new puppy pics soon!

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